LED Grow Light Basics

Lesson 1 The Quick Guide to LED Grow Lights
Lesson 2 All the light science you need to know to grow a plant
Lesson 3 Is an LED light ideal for your situation? (The truth is LED’s aren’t always the best fit)
Lesson 4 Qualities of Good LED Grow Lights
Lesson 5 Read My Recommendations and Reviews


All the Light Science You Need to Know to Grow a Plant

According to your fifth grade science class a plant needs three things to grow: (1) Energy from Sunlight, (2) Carbon Dioxide from Air, and (3) Water from Soil. This site, for obvious reasons, will focus on requirement #1, lighting.

Quick Review of Photosynthesis (and I mean quick)

Let’s talk about photosynthesis. If you can stretch your mind back to fifth grade, then you’ll remember that plants are amazing because they can produce food for themselves. They take carbon dioxide and water (not foods) and use the energy from sunlight to turn these “not foods” into sugar (foods).

photosynthesis basics

If a plant can’t go through the process of photosynthesis, then it will die. What does this mean for you? It means that you need light to turn the “not foods” into “foods”. Simple, right?

All the Light Science You Need to Know about LED Lights

You need light to grow your plants. Well, you have several choices (all are good):

the sun

  • The Sun (a very popular, free light that many plant growers use)
  • High-Intensity Discharge Lights (HIDS). Not as popular as the sun, but still popular.
    • Metallic-Halide Lights (MHs)     — Great Lights!
    • High Pressure Sodium Lights (HPSs)  — Great Lights!
  • Fluorescent Lights   — Great Lights!
  • Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)  — My personal favorite (yes, I’m biased 😉 )

Normally people use the sun to grow plants because of the price-savings. Scientists and your average gardeners have found that other lights like LED lights can be used to grow plants as well. Many people have had success growing plants using LED grow lights.

LED grow light science photosynthesisThe sun’s light contains a variety of different colors. Plants, for the most part, absorb the red and blue light put off by the sun and reflect the other light (as illustrated below). Plants reflect green light and that is why they appear green to us. The sun and other growing lights shoot out light colors that aren’t needed by the plant. LED lights can be fine-tuned to only produce the light plants need.

LED compared to HID and Sun

Because of this control over the light output by LED lights, they are said to be “more efficient” than traditional lights. This means they provide the plant what it needs without as much waste. There is more science behind this, but all you really need to know is that LED grow lights consume less energy and last longer than traditional grow lights.

Blue and Red Light Basics

The blue light helps the plant grow big, green, and tall (the vegetative stage) and the red light helps the plant flower and produce vegetables, or whatever it is the plant is producing. Most LED grow lights come with both blue and red light now so they can grow your plant from start to finish.

blue light red light

Hours of Sunlight

So you understand the basics, but you probably want to know how many hours each day should the light be pointing at your plants? The truth is it depends on what you’re growing. I’ll provide you with some general advice though. I recommend 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness during the germination stage (when the plants are just seeds). After the seeds sprout out of the ground, move it to 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness. Once the plants grow and start flowering, it’s not a bad idea to switch them to a 12 hours on, 12 hours off schedule.

This pattern mimics the sun (that big free light in the sky). The closer to winter it gets, the less the sun shines. The decreased amount of light acts as warning sign for plants to “get a move on it” and start flowering and yielding their fruits or vegetables.


Now you know all the light science you need to know to grow a plant. Do yourself a favor and stop researching more about this. I know that sounds pushy, but I’ve seen too many people get bogged down at this point in their plant growing journey. People spend hours and hours researching when what they really need to do is learn the basics, move on, and start growing and experimenting. Move on to step 2 by reading my next article about determining which type of grow light is best for your situation, choose the type that you think most closely fits your situation, purchase the thing, and for heaven’s sake start growing (this is where you will find the true happiness that comes from gardening).

Comments (15)
  1. Brock Samson September 3, 2011
    • Nate September 5, 2011
      • Brock Samson September 6, 2011
  2. Dan Wilcox September 22, 2011
    • Nate September 27, 2011
  3. Alex December 9, 2011
    • Nate December 10, 2011
  4. Alex December 9, 2011
    • Nate December 10, 2011
  5. Alex February 2, 2012
    • Alex February 2, 2012
    • Alex February 2, 2012
      • Nate February 10, 2012
  6. adam March 25, 2012
    • Nate March 26, 2012