(gt.c) is dedicated to teaching people how to grow virtually anything and everything. Through unbiased, independent reviews of grow related products and services, we hope to counter the constant barrage of marketing, hype, propaganda and, sometimes, even lies.

Our review policy dictates that reviews may be sponsored (sample products, operating costs during the review, etc.) but honest opinions will continue to be given as the result. Positive reviews are never bought, they are earned, and we can be brutally honest.

Through community involvement in the GrowTutor Forums we strive to continue our goal of educating growers to help them achieve better results and socialize with other growers in an atmosphere of respect, civility and maturity.

GrowTutor is evolving and we’ve only just begun. Future plans include online grow training certificate programs.

If you have a grow related product or service that you’d like to have reviewed or other advertising questions, please use the Contact Form and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.


Professor GT